Double Standard

Double Standard

Posted 2016-07-23 by alilovefollow
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Passing gas is a natural part of life but why is it woman shy away from this topic?

Does your boyfriend or husband fart in front of you? I know my husband lets loose in front of me frequently. When this happens it is done with almost no shame or embarrassment.

When surveying a group of 10-15 of my female coworkers I found most if not all never passed gas in front of the significate others. Why is this?

When I surveyed the remaining male coworkers they stated that a women who farts is not much of a lady. Others stated they didn't care. The last added that he wished women would pee more freely in front of him. But well that is an article all its own.

Are we too afraid to be vulnerable in front of our loved ones? When asking them why they said it was far to embarrassing to let their men see them this way.

With women moving into higher positions and possibly a female president, don't we think its time to address the little issue that women fart too.

I guess we will see if the farting double standard will one day catch us all by surprise.


252955 - 2023-07-18 07:44:40


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