Dealing With Negative People

Dealing With Negative People

Posted 2016-07-20 by Marie Vonowfollow
Adapted from an image courtesy of Pixabay

I usually have a positive approach to life. Yes, there are times when I feel negative, perhaps sad, defeated or angry. Fortunately these times don't last long and I have ways of dealing with my own bouts of negativity. However, there are people who are negative much of the time and they can drain the energy of those around them. How can one deal with such a person?

If someone you have frequent contact with is often sad or feeling hopeless and defeated they may be experiencing Depression. If they are receiving treatment, they realise they have a problem and are doing what they can to address it. Perhaps you could ask what you can do to provide support. Simply listening without passing judgement may help more than you realise. It may help to suggest going to see a comedy at the cinema or doing something else together which is likely to lift their spirits.

If the person is not receiving any treatment and you feel they could be depressed it can be difficult to know what to do. Telling the person they should go to their doctor may be unhelpful as most people don't like being told what to do. For an online article with some advice click here . This resource emphasises the importance of looking after yourself as well.

Dealing with someone who frequently talks about all the bad things that have happened to them can be challenging and downright exhausting. Sometimes they just want to vent and then the conversation can be steered to more positive topics. This is not always possible as the other person may once more change the topic to something negative.

Some people are critical of nearly everyone they come in contact with. Nothing seems to please them. If you try to put a positive spin on things they may say you don't know what you are talking about or that you are taking the other person's side. It may help to try to avoid topics which trigger a negative reaction from this person. If just about everything seems a trigger, then this tactic won't work.

I find it very difficult to be in the company of a person who is frequently angry. It can be tricky if the angry person is someone you interact with in the course of your employment, perhaps a client. For an article with some advice I have found useful click here

If you have difficulties with a client or other person in your work environment because of their anger it would be advisable to talk to the appropriate person in management. There may be risk management policies in place for you to follow to keep yourself safe.

In my personal life I prefer to be on talking terms with those around me. Even if someone doesn't have much in common with me or isn't easy to be around I like to keep interactions civil. I don't like to ignore people. However, now and then things escalate to a point where I find I have to cut all ties with someone because their constant negative behaviour or comments are dragging me down or I don't feel safe around them.

Ongoing negative conversation and behaviour can drain all the energy from the other party and be stressful. In a situation like this, deciding not to talk or spend any time with the negative person in the future can bring a sense of relief. It also frees up more time to spend in the company of people you find positive and uplifting.


252952 - 2023-07-18 07:44:39


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