DeClutter Your Wardrobe and Love Your Clothes Again

DeClutter Your Wardrobe and Love Your Clothes Again

Posted 2014-04-10 by nicholafollow
Your future wardrobe

You’ve just gotten out of the shower and you’re standing in your towel, cold and frustrated because you have clothes spilling everywhere, and you don’t like any of them. It’s safe to say we’ve all been there; but if it’s to the point where your clothes don’t fit in your wardrobe (or if you’re like me and have a clothes rack that is overflowing), you need to do something about it, and you need to be absolutely ruthless. Here are some tips to get you on your way to fashion freedom.

The first part is the easy part: go through your drawers, cupboards, racks, and pull out everything that you are comfortable getting rid of and put it in a garbage bag to go to your local charity store. Make sure these are clothes in good condition. Anything that has rips, holes, etcetera, put it in the bin. If you haven’t repaired it by now, then chances are you’re never really going to, and you obviously don’t need it. Remember, be ruthless. Once you’ve got your first cut for your charity bag done, go back and do it again. Do you really need the jumper you’re not sure you like anymore? Or the frumpy tiered dress that you haven’t worn in two years but convince yourself there will be an occasion for it? In the charity bag, please.

Next is the maybe section, and this is the tough one. A lot of us have sentimental value to clothes or keep things for a variety of reasons. I am guilty of buying things that I should have thought about for a day first, and then never wearing it and feeling guilty about it. I am also guilty of hanging on to things that don’t fit anymore which is just stupid. Why keep items that make us feel bad? If you have items like this, unburden yourself and put them in the charity bag, you won’t miss them. For the other clothes that you just can’t decide on, wear them one last time, and you’ll make up your mind as to whether or not you'll want to keep it. Think about things like fabric quality, fit, style or…annoying zippers or swooshing noises when you walk.

When you have sorted through the maybe pile and have your new and improved smaller collection of clothes; repeat the process and see if there are any last items you haven’t been ruthless enough on. Add them to the one last wear list and see how it goes. This process can be applied to a number of things, as well as to clothing like clearing out trinkets in the house, bookshelves or to the garage.

The final step is to change your attitude when shopping, to ensure you don’t end up back where you started. This means shopping critically. Ask yourself questions like whether you have something like that already, and buy more key pieces like black jeans and less statement pieces like an Aztec print shirt. Buy quality items as well, made from good fabrics as these are going to last you longer; are generally made more ethically, and they look better.

Good luck.


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