Connecting Techology
Technology allows us to do wonderful things. The ability to be able to connect and share thoughts, pictures and ideas with others around the world easily being one of my favourite things that technology has to offer us, except for when it doesn’t.
I have recently returned from a wonderful trip away, camping at two of Australia’s most beautiful beaches within National Parks. At one of these sites there was some phone and Internet reception, and at the other there was not. As for me I choose to leave my phone off with the exception of the occasional check for important messages, after which the phone was turned off again to save batteries.
Addicted to technology?
At our first camping spot I smiled as I entered the ladies bathrooms at the end of the day (the location of the only power points around) at the women standing plugged in to the few power points along the hand wash basins to get their technology fix for the day. Glad all I had to do was wash my hands and head back to the beach for an evening stroll.
Now there are many legitimate reasons to need to stay connected, however when there is an opportunity to
switch of like I had; it was nice to find other ways and things to connect with - like nature.
I believe it is healthy to realise that you can do without technology; without games; without social media, and without the contact of others except through face to face contact.
When we are on our smart phones, pads or computers; we can tend to be engaged to it - to the loss of a connection with the world around us.
We connect to the world around us through our senses of sight, touch, sounds, tastes and smells. While we do use some of these senses on our phones, there is not as much change and variation as there is in the world around us, and especially in nature. Out in nature, a single step can bring a new smell; the touch of a different surface; a breeze. Technology doesn’t offer that.
So what can you do?
Next time you go on holidays, give yourself the opportunity to not be connected to technology, even if for a day.
Take time each day to connect to the world around you through your senses. Stand still in one spot (outside is best) and focus your awareness on each of your senses. You will be amazed at how peaceful and connected you feel afterwards.
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