Being Right

Being Right

Posted 2013-11-20 by Mina Keenanfollow
Getting it Right

Scenario: Talking in front of three year old grandkid.

G'dad: What's the time?
G'kid: Monday
G'dad: No - (I dig G'dad in the ribs - he stops short)
Nanna: Thank you darling - Monday. I'll remember that.

G'kid trots outside to play.

G'dad: (Looking incredulous) What? I don't get it. I was asking about the time.
Nanna: G'kid's had a bad day. Technically he's right.

Being Three

Being three must be tough. You're expanding your comprehension and language skills. Everybody is bigger and knows more. Sometimes you really have to repeat yourself to make yourself understood (like adults). Seems like everybody can tell you what to do. Everyone says you're getting to be a 'big boy' - but you keep on getting treated like a baby, and you're not a baby. Everyone keeps correcting you.

Win Some

It is really important for everyone to win sometimes - to get a turn at being right. Take opportunities to let little ones have a valid place in conversations. This will show them they are valued and part of what's going on.

It will help to develop an inner confidence and encourage communication - an essential skill through life. Start them young.


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