Be Healthy and Still Save Money
Let’s face it! It can be hard to stay healthy and fit on a budget. If saving money was one of resolutions you made for this year, making a few changes in your daily routine can help you save you a lot !
Eat breakfast before work – breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Prepare a packed lunch and keep healthy snacks nearby.
Drink more tap water instead of bottled water
Stretch and move around frequently.
Walk or cycle to work if possible.
Choose generic brands of medication when applicable.
Brush and floss every day.
Shop around for a health fund that suits you and make use of their benefits.
Shop at discount chemists.
Gym & Work-outs
Check out the competition between gyms before joining one.
Create your own fitness plan without a gym.
Put your membership on hold when travelling.
Take your own water bottle and towel to avoid paying for theirs.
Workout outdoors with friends when possible.
Write a shopping list before you go.
Don't shop when you're hungry.
Look out for freebies and discounts.
Buy unpackaged foods and meats .
Consider buying home brand options.
Consider buying certain foods in bulk.
Freeze food if you cook in bulk.
Empty your fridge and cook with leftovers.
Put food in storage containers to keep fresh for longer.
Invest in healthy recipe books.
Make your own smoothies and juices.
Buy long life milk.
Keep shopping list on fridge .
Use wilted veggies in soups, juices, casseroles.
251784 - 2023-07-18 07:27:57