Be Comfortable With Growing Older

Be Comfortable With Growing Older

Posted 2015-08-27 by Marie Vonowfollow
ImageMarie Vonow

There is a lot of pressure to look younger than you are. Women are discouraged from looking old. They are also supposed to act younger than their years. Plenty has been written about ways to stay looking young and there are so many products with 'anti-ageing' claims. Why is it considered so bad to look like you have been around for a while and might know a thing or two and perhaps have a bit of wisdom to share? What is wrong with laughter lines and wrinkles?

It is nice that these days more magazines are trying to cater for the ‘older woman’ market. However, I feel there is too much emphasis on trying to avoid looking and acting like you are the age you are. Is this emphasis really helpful for older women?

Yes, I do think you want to look after your health and be active. Yes, I think it is good to learn new things and stay interested in life. It is great to wear nice clothes and feel good about yourself. Looking after yourself helps you to get the most out of life. However, I see these things should be a part of embracing the reality of how many years you have been alive, not a way of trying to hide your age, like it is a crime.

I like features on ‘ordinary’ women and what they are wearing rather than how film stars and celebrities dress. Most of the famous have a crew to do their hair and makeup and choose the most flattering outfits. Some of them have had plastic surgery, botox and such. Perhaps the photos have been altered anyway.

The emphasis is on what a woman looks like rather than her personality. There is also a lot of emphasis on success and achievements. To me, it seems a pity women aren’t encouraged to just be happy with what they look like, to be comfortable with who they are now.

I think a woman should be encouraged to be proud of her age. I like the way Louise L. Hay (inspirational author and teacher) said, ‘Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older.’


252723 - 2023-07-18 07:41:10


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