Barriers We Create for Ourselves

Barriers We Create for Ourselves

Posted 2014-09-17 by Melissa D. Steelefollow

There are times when the only thing that is keeping us from ourselves is ourselves. We spend so much time thinking about what we can't do, things we have failed at in the past and all the things that can go wrong. We completely talk ourselves out of success.

Negative self talk is the main thing that keeps many people from accomplishing their goals. Instead of filling our mind with positive thoughts that will lead us in the right direction, we spend all of our time thinking negatively. We pull ourselves down before anyone else has the chance to.

This is a common barrier that stands in the way of success and happiness. A good way to overcome this is to always thinking positively. That is easier said than done, but it is possible. Even when we think deep down inside that success is not possible, fill your thoughts will inspirational thoughts that will train your mind to reach for success.

By constantly telling yourself that you are successful and that you have accomplished your goal, your mind will make sure that those thoughts become a reality. It will take the words that you are constantly feeding it and after realizing that reality does not match those thoughts, it will do everything possible to move you in the direction of making those thoughts apart of your reality.

It goes back to the old saying, "fake it till you make it". You are faking it, because it is a way of training your mind. It is one of the most surefire ways to make your dreams a reality. This will allow you to get out of your own way and remove your greatest barrier.


252497 - 2023-07-18 07:37:54


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