An Easter Home Retreat

An Easter Home Retreat

Posted 2014-04-05 by Justine Crowleyfollow
Image Courtesy of potowizard Have a Happy and Homely Easter if you wish.

Healing and holidays are possible at home. When the Easter long weekend kicks in, there is no need or pressure for you to travel anywhere. Travelling is wonderful, yet it (travelling) has it's own drawbacks that include, and are not limited to the following:

  • Delayed, cancelled and expensive flights.
  • Busy airports and roads/traffic jams and accidents.
  • Getting breath tested.
  • Lost luggage.
  • Airport security screening.
  • Impatient children on long car and/or plane trips.

  • A holiday at home is really special. Of course, the choice is ultimately yours. Then again, doesn't healing take place in the home? It sure does.

    Wonderful. You have four whole days to do what you want (in many cases) without the distractions of work.

    Below is a list of positive, life force raising energy activities you can pursue in the home, of which don't cost you much at all:

  • De-clutter your home. Sure, this is better during a mercury retrograde period, however, progress can easily be made this Easter. De-cluttering your personal space (wardrobe or otherwise) makes you feel lighter. With two public holidays, with a weekend in between, you've given yourself four whole days to make a huge difference. Play some motivating music, and write down the benefits of de-cluttering your pad in Easter, and you will be inspired to get up and go. Trust me, you will feel heaps lighter from engaging in this activity alone.

  • If you have a yoga mat and some spare space (even a little) - engage in a daily yoga practise for an hour a day. The benefits are awesome. Your body will feel lighter and more flexible. If you choose to indulge in hot cross buns and/or some Easter eggs, you will begin to burn these off.

  • A great opportunity to catch up with friends and/or family in your city.

  • Watch some cool DVD's.

  • Pamper yourself. Plenty of time to put protein treatment in your hair, as well as whitening treatment on your teeth. Create your own day spa at home on a budget. Have a luxurious bubble bath, and paint your own nails. Yum. Give yourself a decent facial too.

  • Meditate more and sleep in.

  • Read inspirational books.

  • Exercise in your local neighbourhood. A good chance to get to know your neighbours more.

  • If you're studying at the moment, Easter presents a great chance to catch up to relieve the pressure when your course resumes again. Then again, studying is awesome mind food that is nourishing the brain cells. Studying expands your mind.

  • If religious, attend the stations of the cross on Good Friday, as well as the main mass on Easter Sunday. If your church participates in a choir, put your hand up to participate. Otherwise, if singing does not resonate with you, volunteer your expertise in other areas.

  • Go to the gym if your gym is still open during this time.

  • A few ideas to create your own home retreat and holiday during the Easter long weekend have now been covered, to only name a few.

    If you have any other ideas, please share them with us. After all "sharing is caring right?" Absolutely. We think so.

    Happy and healthy Easter.


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