Adding an Image to Your Self Avenue Article

Adding an Image to Your Self Avenue Article

Posted 2013-12-15 by Mina Keenanfollow
This is the second in a series for newbie writers to Self Avenue on how to use the HubGarden platform to write your articles.

The process is the same for all hubs on the HubGarden platform.

Click on any of the images to see them enlarged.

When you press 'Add Images' you will be taken to this screen.

Press the 'Browse' button and navigate to your image.

Fill in the 'What is in the image?' box with the categories you will use in your article.

This is important and helps the article to be found by Google and potentially increase your readership.

Press the 'Submit' button to be taken back to the edit page.

If the screen goes blank, press the back arrow on your browser (usually top left side), and 'Submit' again. If the screen keeps going blank try renaming your image. Use numbers or letters or a combination of both.

Back on the edit page your image will appear as a thumbnail.

This is how an image is placed in the article. The image number is placed in the square brackets after 'IMAGE'

Self Avenue requires one image per article but if you use more they will be numbered.

Choose your best image for your article thumbnail. This will appear on the home page and in the newsletter. Choose it by pressing 'thumb' next to the image preview.

This is how your article looks now, editing on the left and preview on the right.

Add your categories. This is important for search purposes.

Press 'Publish' at the top of the editing box.

You can press 'Help' at any time to see the Self Avenue FAQs.

See the first article in this series.


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