Abundance is your calling you just have to do it right

Abundance is your calling you just have to do it right

Posted 2014-06-03 by kaliafollow

Abundance is your ‘calling’ you just have to do it right

In times like the ones we are living in, where economies are crashing down around us, politicians do not much else but lie to save their own skins, and corporate lobbyists and magnates seem to wield all the power, it’s hard to believe that it can be a ‘noble’ and great goal to get rich. But I’m here to tell you that it most certainly is. How can you serve anyone if you have nothing you can draw on to help them with? Whether it’s money or things bought with money.

A lot of people seem to make the mistake of thinking that the pursuit of money is the end goal too, that if they just ‘visualise’ themselves in a new house, with a new car and huge flatscreen tv, that it will come to them simply because they deserve it. That’s not good enough. Everyone has those desires, and they’re pretty small and petty when it comes down to it too.

The Law of Abundance actually doesn’t work that way, and there’s a bit more to it. All the people who ‘visualised’ and didn’t get what they wanted have abandoned the old teachings of the Law of Attraction, which is where the idea comes from that you attract what you think about, which has merit, but again needs to be practiced correctly. Millions have become more materialistic, more fearful and less godly than ever before because they think that the laws are wrong. These are the people who think you need to ‘take what you can while you can’ and that you are always competing with someone else and always at risk of losing the opportunities and riches you do possess. This is never the case, and I can promise you that. When you practice the law of abundance correctly it doesn’t matter what you need, it finds its way to you. This lack of faith I just mentioned, and the dispirited, cynical attitude we see everywhere throughout our modern society can be healed with a true understanding of the law of abundance.

Abundance doesn’t just mean you get a lot of stuff. And nor is it pretending that you are already abundant and rich, and don’t need any ‘things’ while you are surviving on air alone, have given away all your clothes and your house and swear to live the ‘spiritual’ life. Abundance is a life force all of its own. And it never ends – it is always increasing and never decreasing. It only gives, and feeds off creativity and thoughtful action. It can never be truly abundant to deny anyone else something that is owed to them, or to steal from someone else.

Abundance means more for everyone, less for none. This concept might change form, as materials run out or technology becomes outdated, but the rule stays the same. You might need to search for something, change the way you do something or make something before it can manifest for you, but to say that it isn’t there and isn’t available for everyone is just wrong. To say that this isn’t possible would be shortchanging yourself.

New things are constantly being made, new materials being created and found and machines invented that can provide more than we could ever possibly need all the time. So it won’t work to walk around saying ‘oh that idea’s already been done’ or ‘the market is too crowded’. That is only focusing on the problem. The market might be crowded in one particular area, but there are countless other areas that haven’t even been discovered yet. And that’s how the law of abundance works. It values creation over competition, and everyone is here on this earth to create something. What you can imagine and create manifests by the universe providing the tools, the skills, the partnerships, the knowledge or whatever else is needed – they all just have to be acted on and used correctly. Whenever something appears to be ‘lacking’ or you appear to have ‘missed’ an opportunity, it is really simply making way for the next thing, which will be bigger and better and more suitable than before. That leads me nicely into the other key to working with the law of abundance, gratitude. This has to be genuine too, and it pretty much can’t be overstated.

Whatever you have got in your toolbox right now, you must always be extremely grateful for. It is this which completes the formula – and will see your clear vision manifest as quickly as you need it to. You must have complete faith that what you want to manifest is possible, and act like you can already see it, feel it, touch it, even if you can’t yet. You must also understand the purpose it will serve in the world, and you must remain grateful for every step along the way that brings you closer to the thing you’ve been working on manifesting.

So remember, the universe desperately wants to give you what you want, but you have to put your request in the right way – and stay out of your own way so that you don’t sabotage your good efforts. Have faith, know that there is a purpose behind what you want, and that you are not competing with anyone, and don’t need to take from anyone else to get what you want, ever. Happy manifesting!


252235 - 2023-07-18 07:33:03


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