A Personal Cheer Squad
“What, someone cheering for me?”, “I’m out of here.” “Where do I sign up?” “That sounds nice as long as they are not cheering loudly”. What would your response be to having your own personal cheer squad?
Whatever your response on some level we all need some encouragement, someone or a group to stand beside us and say “we believe in you” “keep going” “have you thought of-----“ “. Over the years I have been part of a number of groups, and while being my cheer squad wasn’t their main aim, that was part of what they became. Somewhere to ask questions, lean on someone, share ideas and most importantly be believed in. Somewhere also to believe in others and their dreams.
The Nay Sayers
I don’t know about you but I have certainly found that life is not short of people saying, “That idea won’t work”,” you can’t do that” “. Of course many of those people have cared about me, and to be honest many of the times they were right. What I did need at times was a reality check, but what I didn’t need was for all my ideas to be dismissed so easily. Lucky I didn’t give in; things just shifted form and shape until I noticed the resistance wasn’t there anymore. And of course I had others around me who believed in me. Appreciate the Nay Sayers for what they are, cautious, realistic and not wanting to see you deep in the mud or to be dragged into the mud with you.
Getting Support
In the last couple of years I have taken up offers of mentoring and support, both free and paid. I have found both to be invaluable, and where I have paid out, the benefit has come back through what I have been able to achieve, the connections made and just how I have felt also. As someone who is doing business solo most of the time I have felt like I have actually had a team around me. Personal support is not just for business but it is for being, for becoming and for living the way you want to live.
What to look for in a group
What to look for in a group depends on what you are after, if you are after some technical support then getting some help from a technical person, or attending a technical workshop is the way to go. If what you are after is a place to share your dreams of who you hope to become and what you hope to achieve then a support or mentoring group sounds more like you. Before you choose a group be clear on what you are after and you will then know when you have found it.
Who you are and who you are becoming is worth celebrating and worth sharing. Go on, find yourself a mentoring group or support group – or start one yourself. You are worth a cheer squad.
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