A New Year A Fresh New Start
Image courtesy of satit_srihih FreeDigitialPhotos.net
For many of us, starting a new year is like cleaning out the cobwebs. A chance to start afresh. As soon as possible, and ideally the week before a new year beckons; you need to set that time to be crystal clear on what you want your new year to look, feel and sound like. Tap into all of your five senses. We all have an intuition (if properly guided) so make that six. Some great things to clear out the old, and make way for the new:
1. Gratitude
Write down what worked for you this year, month by month. Mark your wins. If you have used a journal, this will become second nature. Take a moment and appreciate each moment. Go back and cherish what was awesome about those times.
On the flip side, we don't want to dwell on any negatives. On this, once you've done the above; write down the things that did not work so well. On this, grab a dark marker and draw a huge circle on the page. This signifies that such events are
over for you, forever more. The next step is to safely burn that sheet of paper to signify more positive changes for your life in the new year.
Love it with the fireworks for the new year. It is like ending the old year and bringing in the new year with a
bang. It's healing energy.
2. Cleaning out
I am serious. Go through your wardrobe, and give away clothes that no longer serve you. If you have a bit of cash, now is the time to buy some wanted clothes while they're on sale. Clean out paperwork. Clutter free. This frees your energy, and gets you excited for what is about to lie ahead.
3. Intentions
Like goals, and so different to new years resolutions. What do you want the new year to bring? If you want to lose weight, be specific on how many kilos you'd like to lose. Write down what you want. Do a life write, and nothing wishy washy such as "wouldn't it be nice if..."
4. Actions
What can you do to feel better about what you want? Quality questions indeed.
Set more appointments for yourself?
Save at least 10% of all you earn, and put it in a separate bank account?
Exercise more?
Participate in yoga and/or meditation?
The new year is about changes and breaking old habits. Remember, it takes your unconscious mind at least 30 days to replace an old unwanted habit with a new constructive one. For example, if you want to practise yoga everyday; you must do so for 30 days straight. On this, all of a sudden your yoga practice will run on autopilot - without you having to even think about it.
On this wonderful subscribers, readers and writers here on Self Avenue: I wish you all a happy and healthy new year ahead.
251653 - 2023-07-18 07:26:24