10 Tips For Motivating Yourself To Study
Image courtesy of Pixabay
These days many people need to do courses and updates or whole new qualifications throughout their life. Courses can be done face to face or online. Sometimes it is difficult to get motivated to study, whether you are still at school, at college or university full time or doing some part time study as well as working or bringing up a family. How does one get motivated to complete the necessary study?
Tips for motivating yourself to study
1. Start by reminding yourself
why you are studying. It’s easier to do something if you focus on the reason for doing it.
2. Sometimes it helps to break things down into smaller steps. Rather than thinking about the ten questions you have to answer, concentrate on one at a time.
3. Make a point of just getting started rather than thinking about how long it is going to take to do the whole assignment. Don’t leave assignments to the last minute as you will be stressed by the time you get started and it will be harder than if you did the assignment sooner.
Just make a start Image courtesy of Pixabay
4. Can you find a study buddy? Studying with someone else can help motivate. However, it needs to be someone who can stay on task and won't be a distraction.
5. Get rid of clutter. If you have heaps of stuff you don’t need and don’t use, take time to get rid of the clutter. Just do one drawer or one shelf each day or even each week. This may sound like a tactic to avoid study but it isn’t. You will be able to concentrate better without clutter and won't waste time looking for the things you need.
Having said this, research suggests some people are
more creative in a messy work environment. If your study area is messy but it works for you, well turn on your lap top/computer and get studying.
6. Set up a pleasant study area. Sit near a window with a view of Nature if possible. Alternatively, place a pot plant near your desk. Nature helps your general health and increases cognitive skills.
Benefits of Nature
A view of Nature increases cognitive skills Image courtesy of Pixabay
7 . Make sure you are getting enough sleep, exercise and eating a healthy diet so you have energy. You won’t be motivated if your health is poor.
It can be difficult to get balance in your life when you are trying to study as well as work and/or manage a family. If you just can't get enough sleep and find a little time for exercise and making proper meals, perhaps you need to adjust your expectations. Can you reduce the amount of study you are doing each week by doing your course over a longer period of time to avoid burn out?
8. Promise yourself a reward after you get a certain amount of study done.
9. Make sure you schedule time for relaxation and fun. Plan a night out or a weekend away. A break allows you to recharge your batteries and gives you something to look forward to.
10. Build on small successes. Praise yourself for any improvement motivation wise. If you are too hard on yourself you will get discouraged which kills motivation.
Many rewards can come from studying so it is worth finding ways to stay motivated and complete your course.
253092 - 2023-07-18 07:46:53